In some cases, you may wish to display the traced information of its Child Nodes.
For example:
We have a DOC (DOC-xxxx) and there is Requirements/Paragraph inside the DOC as the child nodes.
Each child node has the traceability data defined in the Traceability Tab of the Item
I wish to lists the traced data of child nodes at one place. In such case create a Paragraph/Heading inside DOC as the child node and then embed the filter
- Select the Project
- Select the Filter For – All Items
- User defined Criteria: v.IsLink = ‘N’ AND V.ID IN (SELECT * FROM dbo.fnSplitWord(dbo.FN_get_all_children_by_level_depth ((Select distinct Parent_original_id from objects_ver_view where id=(select min(Original_id) from objects_ver_view where ID=[$ME])) ,V.View_version ,0,9),’,’))