
Date Operands in Orcanos

In Orcanos System, we have the list of Operands for Dates which can be used to generate the Reports. Reports which contains only the required and specific records.

For Date, we have the list of operands:

  • is: Used to View records on a specific date

                                      Format: DATE Field    is   <Select date from Calendar>

  • isn’t: Used to View records on all dates except a specific date

                                      Format: DATE Field    isn’t   <Select date from Calendar>

  • is before: Used to View all records before the specific date

                                      Format: DATE Field    is before  <Select date from Calendar>

  • is after: Used to View all records after the specific date

                                      Format: DATE Field    is after <Select date from Calendar>

  • between: Used to View the records between specific dates

                                     Format : DATE Field    between   <Select date1>    <Select date2>

  • not between Used to View all records except between specific dates

                                     Format : DATE Field    not between   <Select date1>    <Select date2>

  • Today: Used to View records of Today

                                      Format: DATE Field    Today

  • Today Onwards: The user can set the TODAY_PLUS parameter value to get records where the date field is after Today+X days range.

                                       Format: DATE Field    Today Onwards    $(TODAY_PLUS) 9999


Today date: 12-Jan-24

Condition: Today + 8

The system will get records with date field is after 20-Jan-24

  • Till Today: User can set the TODAY_MINUS parameter value to get records where the date falls before today – X days

——–|—-X days—-|Today

                                      Format : DATE Field    Till Today    $(TODAY_MINUS) 9999


Today date: 12-Jan-24

Condition: Today – 8

The system will get records with date field is before 4-Jan.

  • Last X Days: The user can set the DAYS parameter value to get records where the date field falls in the range of today and previous X days

|—-X days—-|Today

                                      Format : DATE Field    Last X Days     $(DAYS) 0


Today date: 12-Jan-24

Condition: last 8 days

The system will get records with date field is between 4-Jan and TODAY (12-Jan-24)

  • Next X Days : User can set the DAYS parameter value to get records where the date falls between today and the next X days

Today|—-X days—-|

                                      Format : DATE Field    Next X Days     $(DAYS) 999

  • Tomorrow: Used to View records of Tomorrow

                                      Format: DATE Field    Tomorrow

  • Tomorrow Onwards: User can set the TOMORROWPLUS parameter value to get records where the date starts X days after tomorrow

Tomorrow|—-X days—-|——–

                                      Format : DATE Field    Tomorrow Onwards   $(TOMORROWPLUS) 999

  • Yesterday: Used to View records of Yesterday

                                      Format: DATE Field    Yesterday

  • Till Yesterday: User can set the YESTERDAYMINUS parameter value to get records where date falls before yesterday-X days

—-|—-X days—-|Yesterday

                                      Format : DATE Field    Till Yesterday   $(YESTERDAYMINUS) 999


Today date: 12-Jan-24

Condition: yesterday minus 8 days

The system will get records with date field is before 3-Jan

  • is empty : Used to View records for which date has no value

                                      Format : DATE Field    is empty

  • is not empty : Used to View records for which date has some value

                                      Format : DATE Field    is not empty

  • This week : Used to view records for this week only

                                      Format : DATE Field    This week

  • This month : Used to view records for this month only

                                      Format : DATE Field    This month

  • This quarter : Used to view records for this quarter only

                                      Format : DATE Field    This quarter

  • This year : Used to view records for this year only

                                      Format : DATE Field    This year

  • Last week : Used to view records for last week only

                                      Format : DATE Field    Last week

  • Last month : Used to view records for last month only

                                      Format : DATE Field    Last month

  • Last quarter : Used to view records for last quarter only

                                      Format : DATE Field    Last quarter

  • Last year : Used to view records for last year only

                                      Format : DATE Field    Last year

  • Next week : Used to view records for next week only

                                      Format : DATE Field    Next week

  • Next month : Used to view records for next month only

                                      Format : DATE Field    Next month

  • Next quarter : Used to view records for next quarter only

                                      Format : DATE Field    Next quarter

  • Next year : Used to view records for next year only

                                      Format : DATE Field    Next year

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