

This REST API helps to Get the all details of test cases added into the Execution set


Authorization: Basic Auth token in the Request Headers

Method: GET

Request Param:

Key Value Is Mandatory? Description
VersionId Integer Yes Enter the version id of the project like 1296
ItemType String Yes Enter the item type like T_EXEC
ItemId Integer Yes Enter the item id like 36373
PageNo Integer No Enter the page number for which you want to show records like, 1
PageSize Integer No Enter Page size, that how many items you want to show in the same time like, 10
SearchQuery String No Enter the search string from which you want to search the items.


Orcanos Output class:

    "IsSuccess": true, --->API Result
    "Data": {
        "filterlist": [ ---->List of filters for Test cases
                "fieldlist": [  ---->List field
                        "title": "ID",----> Row ID details on the grid of the test run suite tab
                        "show": "N",
                        "column": "ID",
                        "width": "",
                        "col_order": 0,
                        "Value": "5949" --->Row Id of the Execution set
                        "title": "Execution Set",--->Item Type details
                        "show": "N",
                        "column": "test_exec_name",
                        "width": "",
                        "col_order": 1,
                        "Value": "exe set" --->Execution Set name
                        "title": "Order",--->TC Order
                        "show": "Y",
                        "column": "TC_order",
                        "width": "",
                        "col_order": 2,
                        "Value": "1" --->Test case order into the execution set
                        "title": "Test ID",---> Test Case ID details
                        "show": "Y",
                        "column": "Test_case_id_str",
                        "width": "",
                        "col_order": 3,
                        "Value": "36372"---> Test Case ID
                        "title": "Test case name", ---> Test case name details
                        "show": "Y",
                        "column": "obj_name",
                        "width": "",
                        "col_order": 4,
                        "Value": "TC--11" --->Test case name added into the test run suite
                        "title": "Assigned To Tester",---> Assigned to tester details
                        "show": "Y",
                        "column": "assigned_to",
                        "width": "",
                        "col_order": 5,
                        "Value": "Bansal.neha" ---> Test case Assignee name
                        "title": "Execution Run Status", ---> Execution run status details
                        "show": "Y",
                        "column": "status",
                        "width": "",
                        "col_order": 7,
                        "Value": "Pass" ---> Test case run status
                        "title": "Last Run Date", ---> Last run date details
                        "show": "Y",
                        "column": "status_change_date",
                        "width": "",
                        "col_order": 8,
                        "Value": "21/12/20 09:09:48" ---> Last run date and time of the test case
                        "title": "Last Ran By", --->Last ran by details
                        "show": "Y",
                        "column": "status_change_by_name",
                        "width": "",
                        "col_order": 9,
                        "Value": "Bansal.neha" ---> Last ran by tester name
                        "title": "Last Run Version", ---> Last run version details
                        "show": "Y",
                        "column": "lastRunVersion",
                        "width": "",
                        "col_order": 10,
                        "Value": "" ---> Last run version number
                        "title": "Execution ID", --->Execution Id details
                        "show": "N",
                        "column": "test_Exec_Id",
                        "width": "",
                        "col_order": 11,
                        "Value": "36373" ---> Execution id 
                        "title": "Instance Values", --->Instance value details
                        "show": "Y",
                        "column": "Instance_ID",
                        "width": "",
                        "col_order": 13,
                        "Value": null ---> Instance value
                        "title": "Test Status", ----> Test Status details
                        "show": "Y",
                        "column": "Test_status",
                        "width": "",
                        "col_order": 14,
                        "Value": "In Writing Process" ---> Test status value
                        "title": "Test Category", ---> Test category Details
                        "show": "Y",
                        "column": "Test_category",
                        "width": "",
                        "col_order": 15,
                        "Value": "Not Set" --->Test Category value
                        "title": "Test Priority", ---> Test Priority details
                        "show": "Y",
                        "column": "Test_priority",
                        "width": "",
                        "col_order": 16,
                        "Value": "Not Set" ----> Test priority value
                        "title": "Test Version", ---> test version Details
                        "show": "Y",
                        "column": "Test_version",
                        "width": "",
                        "col_order": 17,
                        "Value": "" ---> Test version number
                        "title": "Work Plan Status", ---> Work Plan Status details
                        "show": "Y",
                        "column": "Workplan_Status",
                        "width": "",
                        "col_order": 33,
                        "Value": null ---> Work Plan status value
                        "title": "Test Comment", ---> Test comment details
                        "show": "Y",
                        "column": "Comment",
                        "width": "",
                        "col_order": 34,
                        "Value": null ---> Test comment value
                        "title": "Run Parameters", --->Run Parameter details
                        "show": "Y",
                        "column": "Run_Parameters",
                        "width": "",
                        "col_order": 65,
                        "Value": null ---> Run parameter value if used
                        "title": "Test Project", ---> Project details where execution set available
                        "show": "N",
                        "column": "Test_Project",
                        "width": "",
                        "col_order": 82,
                        "Value": "Project_Neha" ---> Project name
                        "title": "Plan Version", ---> Plan version details
                        "show": "Y",
                        "column": "Workplan_Version",
                        "width": "",
                        "col_order": 169,
                        "Value": null ---> plan version value if any
                        "title": "Actual Results", ---> Actual result details
                        "show": "Y",
                        "column": "Actual_results",
                        "width": "",
                        "col_order": 170,  ----> Actual result value if any
                        "Value": "<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a></p>\n\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n\n<p>&nbsp;</p>"
                        "title": "Defect Indication",---> Defect indication details if any defects are there
                        "show": "Y",
                        "column": "DefectInd",
                        "width": "",
                        "col_order": 171,
                        "Value": null ---> Defect indication value if any (means if any defect is there against the test case during execution)
                        "title": "Test ID", ---> Test case ID details
                        "show": "N",
                        "column": "Test_case_id",
                        "width": "",
                        "col_order": 172,
                        "Value": "36372" ---> Test case id
                        "title": "Parent Name", ---> Parent Name details
                        "show": "N",
                        "column": "Parent_name",
                        "width": "",
                        "col_order": 173,
                        "Value": "T_PLAN-36113: Neha-Test Data on B5.0.0.7" ---> Parent name value with id
                        "title": "obj_type", ---> Object type details
                        "show": "N",
                        "column": "obj_type",
                        "width": null,
                        "col_order": 99,
                        "Value": "T_CASE" ---> Object type value
                        "title": "re_run", ---> Re run details
                        "show": "N",
                        "column": "re_run",
                        "width": null,
                        "col_order": 99,
                        "Value": "0" ---> Re run value if any(Means if test case is re runned)
                        "title": "can_run", --->Can Run details (Means if user having permission  or can see the run icon to execute the test case)
                        "show": "N",
                        "column": "can_run",
                        "width": null,
                        "col_order": 99,
                        "Value": "1" ---> Can run value (1 for having permission and 0 for no permission)
                        "title": "obj_version", --->project Object version details
                        "show": "N",
                        "column": "obj_version",
                        "width": null,
                        "col_order": 99,
                        "Value": "1296" ---> Project object version number
                        "title": "ec_actions", --->EC action details (Related to grid table heading)
                        "show": "N",
                        "column": "ec_actions",
                        "width": "",
                        "col_order": 99,
                        "Value": null ---> EC action value
        "total_records": 1, ---> Total no. of records(test case) into test run suite of execution set
        "current_page": 1, ---> Page number of the test run suite tab
        "total_exec": 0, ----> Total number of executions
        "page_size": 10, ---> Page size
        "name": null, ---> Name
        "pass": 0, ---> no. of Pass test cases
        "pass_color": null, ---> Colour of pass test cases
        "fail": 0, ---> No. of Fail Test cases
        "fail_color": null, ---> Colour of fail test cases
        "fail_stop": 0, ---> no. of fail stop test cases
        "fail_stop_color": null, ---> colour of fail stop test cases
        "not_completed": 0, ---> no. of not completed test cases
        "not_completed_color": null, ---> Colour of not completed test cases
        "executed": 0, ---> no. of executed test cases
        "executed_color": null---> colour of executed test cases.
    "Message": "Success",
    "HttpCode": 200

IsSuccess: if successful then true else false

Data: JSON object. Status Ok if the API displays all information successfully.

Message: Error message in case IsSuccess is false

HttpCode: Response HttpCode

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