This REST API helps to Get the all details of test cases added into the Execution set
Authorization: Basic Auth token in the Request Headers
Method: GET
Request Param:
Key | Value | Is Mandatory? | Description |
VersionId | Integer | Yes | Enter the version id of the project like 1296 |
ItemType | String | Yes | Enter the item type like T_EXEC |
ItemId | Integer | Yes | Enter the item id like 36373 |
PageNo | Integer | No | Enter the page number for which you want to show records like, 1 |
PageSize | Integer | No | Enter Page size, that how many items you want to show in the same time like, 10 |
SearchQuery | String | No | Enter the search string from which you want to search the items. |
Orcanos Output class:
{ "IsSuccess": true, --->API Result "Data": { "filterlist": [ ---->List of filters for Test cases { "fieldlist": [ ---->List field { "title": "ID",----> Row ID details on the grid of the test run suite tab "show": "N", "column": "ID", "width": "", "col_order": 0, "Value": "5949" --->Row Id of the Execution set }, { "title": "Execution Set",--->Item Type details "show": "N", "column": "test_exec_name", "width": "", "col_order": 1, "Value": "exe set" --->Execution Set name }, { "title": "Order",--->TC Order "show": "Y", "column": "TC_order", "width": "", "col_order": 2, "Value": "1" --->Test case order into the execution set }, { "title": "Test ID",---> Test Case ID details "show": "Y", "column": "Test_case_id_str", "width": "", "col_order": 3, "Value": "36372"---> Test Case ID }, { "title": "Test case name", ---> Test case name details "show": "Y", "column": "obj_name", "width": "", "col_order": 4, "Value": "TC--11" --->Test case name added into the test run suite }, { "title": "Assigned To Tester",---> Assigned to tester details "show": "Y", "column": "assigned_to", "width": "", "col_order": 5, "Value": "Bansal.neha" ---> Test case Assignee name }, { "title": "Execution Run Status", ---> Execution run status details "show": "Y", "column": "status", "width": "", "col_order": 7, "Value": "Pass" ---> Test case run status }, { "title": "Last Run Date", ---> Last run date details "show": "Y", "column": "status_change_date", "width": "", "col_order": 8, "Value": "21/12/20 09:09:48" ---> Last run date and time of the test case }, { "title": "Last Ran By", --->Last ran by details "show": "Y", "column": "status_change_by_name", "width": "", "col_order": 9, "Value": "Bansal.neha" ---> Last ran by tester name }, { "title": "Last Run Version", ---> Last run version details "show": "Y", "column": "lastRunVersion", "width": "", "col_order": 10, "Value": "" ---> Last run version number }, { "title": "Execution ID", --->Execution Id details "show": "N", "column": "test_Exec_Id", "width": "", "col_order": 11, "Value": "36373" ---> Execution id }, { "title": "Instance Values", --->Instance value details "show": "Y", "column": "Instance_ID", "width": "", "col_order": 13, "Value": null ---> Instance value }, { "title": "Test Status", ----> Test Status details "show": "Y", "column": "Test_status", "width": "", "col_order": 14, "Value": "In Writing Process" ---> Test status value }, { "title": "Test Category", ---> Test category Details "show": "Y", "column": "Test_category", "width": "", "col_order": 15, "Value": "Not Set" --->Test Category value }, { "title": "Test Priority", ---> Test Priority details "show": "Y", "column": "Test_priority", "width": "", "col_order": 16, "Value": "Not Set" ----> Test priority value }, { "title": "Test Version", ---> test version Details "show": "Y", "column": "Test_version", "width": "", "col_order": 17, "Value": "" ---> Test version number }, { "title": "Work Plan Status", ---> Work Plan Status details "show": "Y", "column": "Workplan_Status", "width": "", "col_order": 33, "Value": null ---> Work Plan status value }, { "title": "Test Comment", ---> Test comment details "show": "Y", "column": "Comment", "width": "", "col_order": 34, "Value": null ---> Test comment value }, { "title": "Run Parameters", --->Run Parameter details "show": "Y", "column": "Run_Parameters", "width": "", "col_order": 65, "Value": null ---> Run parameter value if used }, { "title": "Test Project", ---> Project details where execution set available "show": "N", "column": "Test_Project", "width": "", "col_order": 82, "Value": "Project_Neha" ---> Project name }, { "title": "Plan Version", ---> Plan version details "show": "Y", "column": "Workplan_Version", "width": "", "col_order": 169, "Value": null ---> plan version value if any }, { "title": "Actual Results", ---> Actual result details "show": "Y", "column": "Actual_results", "width": "", "col_order": 170, ----> Actual result value if any "Value": "<p><a href=\"https://integ.orcanos.com///QpackFTP/PROJECT_2520/637441385183096525.zip\" target=\"_blank\">https://integ.orcanos.com///QpackFTP/PROJECT_2520/637441385183096525.zip</a></p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p> </p>" }, { "title": "Defect Indication",---> Defect indication details if any defects are there "show": "Y", "column": "DefectInd", "width": "", "col_order": 171, "Value": null ---> Defect indication value if any (means if any defect is there against the test case during execution) }, { "title": "Test ID", ---> Test case ID details "show": "N", "column": "Test_case_id", "width": "", "col_order": 172, "Value": "36372" ---> Test case id }, { "title": "Parent Name", ---> Parent Name details "show": "N", "column": "Parent_name", "width": "", "col_order": 173, "Value": "T_PLAN-36113: Neha-Test Data on B5.0.0.7" ---> Parent name value with id }, { "title": "obj_type", ---> Object type details "show": "N", "column": "obj_type", "width": null, "col_order": 99, "Value": "T_CASE" ---> Object type value }, { "title": "re_run", ---> Re run details "show": "N", "column": "re_run", "width": null, "col_order": 99, "Value": "0" ---> Re run value if any(Means if test case is re runned) }, { "title": "can_run", --->Can Run details (Means if user having permission or can see the run icon to execute the test case) "show": "N", "column": "can_run", "width": null, "col_order": 99, "Value": "1" ---> Can run value (1 for having permission and 0 for no permission) }, { "title": "obj_version", --->project Object version details "show": "N", "column": "obj_version", "width": null, "col_order": 99, "Value": "1296" ---> Project object version number }, { "title": "ec_actions", --->EC action details (Related to grid table heading) "show": "N", "column": "ec_actions", "width": "", "col_order": 99, "Value": null ---> EC action value } ] } ], "total_records": 1, ---> Total no. of records(test case) into test run suite of execution set "current_page": 1, ---> Page number of the test run suite tab "total_exec": 0, ----> Total number of executions "page_size": 10, ---> Page size "name": null, ---> Name "pass": 0, ---> no. of Pass test cases "pass_color": null, ---> Colour of pass test cases "fail": 0, ---> No. of Fail Test cases "fail_color": null, ---> Colour of fail test cases "fail_stop": 0, ---> no. of fail stop test cases "fail_stop_color": null, ---> colour of fail stop test cases "not_completed": 0, ---> no. of not completed test cases "not_completed_color": null, ---> Colour of not completed test cases "executed": 0, ---> no. of executed test cases "executed_color": null---> colour of executed test cases. }, "Message": "Success", "HttpCode": 200 }
IsSuccess: if successful then true else false
Data: JSON object. Status Ok if the API displays all information successfully.
Message: Error message in case IsSuccess is false
HttpCode: Response HttpCode