Orcanos REST API will be used for test automation integration
We are using Basic Authentication to authenticate with your credentials. In the basic authentication, a user needs to send the authentication key in the specific format.
To generate the key a user needs to contact the user name and password with colon sign (:) and encode the string with base64 encoder. It can be done with btoa and atob javascript function.
For example:
And pass the base64 string into the header field included with space and Basic keyword.
For example:
Key : Authorization
Value : Basic dXNlcjE6dXNlckAxMjMK
How to encode the credentials into base64:
Format of Username and password should be like Username:Password
Example: User1:User@123
Convert this into base64 and it will be something like dXNlcjE6dXNlckAxMjMK
Note: From the Postman ( ) or any REST client testing tool, it can be added easily from the REST client UI.
Authorization Header added in the Postman tool:
What errors and status codes can a user expect?
- 500: An error has occurred or something was wrong
- 200: Data is OK, Success
- 401: Unauthorized, When Authorization token is not passed.
URL: xxxxxx /api/v2/Json xxxxxx /api/swagger/ui/index
Where xxxxxx is a customer account name. Users can enter their account name here.
In Success:
“IsSuccess” : true ,
“Data” : Full Information of related API function will display here.
“Message” : “” ,
“HttpCode” : 200
In Failure:
“IsSuccess” : false ,
“Data” : Error Message will display here.
“Message” : “” ,
“HttpCode” : 500
REST APIs Library is here:
- QW_Login
- QW_Add_Defect
- QW_Update_Defect
- QW_Add_Object
- QW_Update_Object
- QW_Add_Object to Add Service Calls
- QW_Delete_Object
- QW_Get_Object
- QW_Get_Object_View
- Get_Execution_Run_Details_XML
- Record_Execution_Results_New
- QW_Get_Item_Add_Edit
- GetItemURL
- QW_Add_Step
- Qw_Add_MiscAttachment
- QW_Save_Customer
- QW_Get_CustomerList_FromName
- QW_Get_CustomerList
- Create_Tag_Web
- Delete_Tag_Web
- QW_Get_Object_Relations
- QW_Delete_Relation_Custom_Code
- QW_Add_Relations_Custom_Code
- QW_Delete_Relation
- QW_AddRelation
- QW_Get_Filter_Results
- Add_Test_Run_Param_Value
- Copy_Attachment_CopiedFrom_Item
- GetItemEnvironment
- QW_Get_Execution_Set
- QW_Get_RunParameter
- QW_Get_Section_Data
- QW_Delete_Attachment
- Generate_PDF_New
- QW_Get_Updated_Items_List
- QW_Get_Updated_Items_List_By_Date
- SystemTableValue_Get
- SysTableValue_Save
- SysTableValue_Delete
- Add Step
- Update Step
- Delete Step