

This REST API helps to Get details of all the records of section data tabs like Attachments, History, Relations, Defects, Revisions


Authorization: Basic Auth token in the Request Headers

Method: GET

Request Param:

Parameter Value Is Mandatory? Description
Item_ID Integer Yes Enter the item Id of the item like 2520
Item_Type String No Enter the Item Type like Defect
Section Name String Yes Enter the Section Name like Defects, Revisions, History, Relations, Attachments

Note: Enter only 1 section name.

Ver_Id Integer Yes Enter the version id of the project like 1346
RecordCount Integer No Enter the record count that, how many records you want to show like, 10, 20,50 etc

Section Data field value can be Attachments, History, Relations, Defects, Revisions according to the requirement.


Orcanos Output class:

   "IsSuccess": true,---> API Result
   "Data": { ---> Data details available into the API fields
   "section": { ----> Section details
   "defect": [ ----> Section name is defects
   "field": [ ----> Available Fields information
   "title": "ID", ----> Defect id details
   "show": "Y", ----> It shows Y if defect is having or N if item have no defect
   "column": "ID",
   "Value": "1843" ----> Defect ID 
   "title": "Type", ---> Item type details
   "show": "Y",
   "column": "defect_type",
   "Value": "Internal" ---> Defect type value
   "title": "Defect Synopsis", ---> Defect Synopsis details
   "show": "Y",
   "column": "Defect_name",
   "Value": "update by api_1797164" ---> Defect synopsis value
   "title": "Status", ---> Status of the defect details
   "show": "Y",
   "column": "Defect_status",
   "Value": "As Designed" ---> Status value
   "title": "Priority", ---> Priority of the defect details
   "show": "Y",
   "column": "Defect_priority",
   "Value": "Not Set" ---> Priority value
   "title": "Detection date", ---> Defect Detection date details
   "show": "Y",
   "column": "Detection_date",
   "Value": "16/12/20 10:51:11" ---> Defect detection date and time
   "title": "Assigned to", ---> Defect is assisgned to details
   "show": "Y",
   "column": "Assigned_to_name",
   "Value": "Bansal.neha" ---> Assigned to user name
   "title": "Due Date", ---> Due date of defect details
   "show": "Y",
   "column": "Due_date",
   "Value": null ---> Defect due date value (If no value then its NULL otherwise it will display value)
   "title": "Start Date", ---> Starte date of defect details
   "show": "Y",
   "column": "Start_date",
   "Value": null---> Defect start date value (If no value then its NULL otherwise it will display value)
   "name": "Defects", ---> Section name 
   "type": "tab" ---> Section type is tab(as refering to defect tab of the work item)
   "ErrorMessage": null,
   "id": 2520, --->Item id
   "type": "", ---> Item type
   "version": "1346", ---> Item's project version
   "isAddRight": false, ---> If adding rights here
   "isEditRight": false, ---> If edit rights here
   "CurrentVersion": 0 ---> current version details
"Message": "Success",
"HttpCode": 200

IsSuccess: if successful then true else false

Data: JSON object. Status Ok if the API displays all information successfully.

Message: Error message in case IsSuccess is false

HttpCode: Response HttpCode

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