A traceability matrix is used in software development to ensure that requirements are met and properly implemented.
It establishes a link between requirements and the work items created to fulfill them, such as design documents, test cases and it can also display Risk mitigation.
Providing visibility into the relationships between requirements and deliverables, it helps ensure alignment and completeness in the project’s execution.
Orcanos provides an easy way to create a Traceability matrix table of 3 levels.
- Click on Main menu icon.
- Click on Work Item icon. Now you are on the Work Item view screen.
- Click on the Required Work Item type.
Select the work item type you want to create the traceability matrix for. Our example will be demonstrated on a Software Requirement Work Item type.
- Display a required Filter
The Traceability matrix will be created based on the filter that is displayed on the screen, so before creating the report lets select the required filter first.
On the Filter dropdown, make sure to select the filter that will show all the items you want the traceability report to present, like a group of requirements for a certain release.
- Click on the More Actions icon on the top right.
- Select the Traceability Report option. The report will be created on a new tab.
This report showcases all the work items that point to the filter results, as Downstream of 3 levels in separate columns: Risk, Software requirements, Development Task, Test case and the test case result a the last column.
On the image below you can see one line of the report
A requirement that has a development task which then is tested under a specific test case, and the test result at the end.
If a specific level on the report is empty, then it is an indication of a missing item which should have been done during the development process.
Based on the missing level item you will understand what is missing a Task or a Test (level 1 column, where all tasks are displayed or level 2 column, where all test cases are displayed) .
Traceability displayed in a specific work item.
Each Item link on the Traceability Matrix will display the item itself on a separate tab.
- When you are on a work item, Click on the Traceability tab, and you will be able to review the relationships you saw on the Tractability Matrix.
On the Traceability Tab of the Work Item we show each relation to other Work Items with a direction Arrow.
- Upstream with a Green Arrow
- Downstream with a Red Arrow
- Upstream with a Green Arrow
On the Image below, The Task Work Item has 2 traced Work Items: a Requirement and a Test case.
Compare this to the traceability report and you will be able to review the relations above reflected and separated to their corresponding levels.
- The Requirement on the Object name level.
- The Task itself in the middlle on Level 1
- The Test Case on Level 2
- Level 3 is empty, as there were no develop tasks created in order to fix a defect from the Test, as the test passed with no defects.
- Note that there are 2 Tasks per one Requirements in this example, each of them is followed by a corresponding Test Case
The same traceability Report can be added as a Panel with the Report Type – Traceability Matrix Panel
Important note
The Traceability Report details all items one a specific project and form the same or lower Versions.
Therefore the report will NOT include:
- Items from other projects
- Items from the same project but with a higher version