Group Permissions - Common Work Item

Edit Work Item Permission


Edit Work Item Permission allows users to edit a particular work item record. The Edit (Pencil) icon will appear when the permission is granted. In Orcanos, due to regulatory requirements, the Edit refers to the user’s ability to edit records’ text and perform actions such as; adding attachments, creating traceability, and editing work item record metadata (fields).

The Edit operation can be accessed from several locations on the Orcanos system:

  1. Work Items grid – Presented in the Action column of the grid
  2. Edit Work Item – On the top-right corner of the work item record
  3. Edit Field – Hovering over the field

Work Item records are referred to as; Test Case, Action Item, ECO, CAPA, Software Requirements, Risk, DMS items etc…


To enable or disable Edit Work Item permission,  follow these steps:

  • Select the Groups from Users & Groups in Admin (It is essential to ensure the user’s settings are applied to the correct Group.)
  • Click on the View icon for the Group you want to update the permission
  • Select the Work Item Permissions tab
  • Select the respective work item type from the dropdown list. For example, ‘Test Case
  • Allow the edit permission
  • To disallow the permission, uncheck the edit permission

Note: To apply the updated settings, the end user (who is not an admin) should reload the database by following these steps:

  1. Click on the top right icon to select the user profile
  2. Select the Settings menu
  3. Click the Save button
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