When deleting work item, please note the followings:
Item can be found in Trash. From there you can either view item, delete it permanently, or restore it (see Orcanos Trash)
Handling versions and branches
1. If item created in version 1.0 and user login to 1.0 and delete the item – item is deleted
2. if item created in version 1.0 and user login to version 2.0 and delete the item, he will get a message
User can delete from current view only (2.0) so item remains in 1.0 or delete from older view as well (1.0). If item exists in newer versions (3.0) – it will be deleted from there as well.
3. If item created in 1.0 and branched in 2.0 and user login to 2.0 and delete the item – he will get the message:
User can delete from current view only (2.0) so item remains in 1.0 or delete from older view as well (1.0). If item exists in newer versions (3.0) – it will be deleted from there as well.
4. If item created in 1.0 and branched in 2.0 and user login to 1.0 and delete the item – he will get the message:
So the item will be deleted from all versions