ORCANOS | ALM editor is based on well known ckEditor that comes with many plugins. In this example you will find a way to extend ORCANOS | ALM basic editor functions with many amazing features provided by the market place.
Step 1: Register to lucid chart at http://www.lucidchart.com
Step 2: Go to ORCANOS | ALM has the ability to embed iFrame object into its editor description area. Any tool that use Web Publishing feature can be also being viewed and edited from the ORCANOS | ALM directly.
Step 3: Go to Lucidchart and either import existing visio or create new vision/chart/uml diagram. From the Lucidchart use the publish feature to get the embedded code of the created chart
Step 4: Go to work item editor and press the iFrame button
Other option could be to press the Source button on the editor tool bar and embed the code given by the Luchichart.
user can edit from here, download to visio or whatever.