Sometimes user does not want to show the changes done to the revision prior to the final approval.
Orcanos enable users to manage the change list shown in the cover letter.
- Select System Settings from Admin > System Configuration.
- Select/Unselect the checkbox for Include all changes within revision inside the cover letter in the DMS and Electronic Signature Settings section.
When user select this checkbox, all the changes done in the revisions will be displayed in the cover letter.
When user unselect this checkbox, only the final changes done to the revisions will be displayed in the cover letter.
For Example: We have the revisions A1, A2, A3(Approved), B1, B2(Approved)
When checkbox is selected, the user will see all revision details i.e A1, A2, A3, B1, B2
When checkbox is unselected, the user will see final revision details i.e A3 and B2
For the Final revision, user may not wish to show the change number. This is possible by unchecking the checkbox for Show Change Number in the DMS and Electronic Signature Settings section.
Show Change Number checkbox will not be unchecked in case user select the checkbox for Include all changes within revision inside the cover letter