Electronic Signature

Add Signers into the Routing Process


This option allows adding approvers and reviewers to the routing process.

  • Select the Routing Process in Admin under Electronic Signature
  • Click on the View icon corresponding to the process to view the process detail page.
  • Users can see all the details of the Routing process here with the Add Signer button.
  • Click Add Signer button
  • Manage Signer popup window is displayed with the following fields:
    • Signer Type: Select the type of signer (User/Group) from the Signer Type dropdown list.
      • User : Selecting this option will lists all the active users in the system.
      • Group : Selecting this option will lists all the active groups in the system.
    • Signer Name: Select the name of the signer from the Signer Name dropdown list. In the selection list, we have three distinct signer values: assignee, owner, approver and creator.
      • Assignee : Indicates the user to whom the item is assigned. Its value can be found in the Assigned to field.
      • Owner : We have a dedicated Owner field that holds its respective value.
      • Creator :Indicates the user who created the item. Its value can be found in the Created by field.
      • Approver : We have a dedicated Approver field that holds its respective value.
    • Quality Role: Select the role of the signer (Reviewer/Approver) from the Quality Role dropdown list. You can add new Quality Role from System tables
    • Mandatory: Select the Mandatory checkbox to make the signer mandatory. The First Signer is set Mandatory by default.
    • Alternate Signer Name: Select the alternate signer if any alternate signer(user) is authorized to sign from the Alternate Signer Name field.
    • Signer Order: Select the required signing order
      • After Previous: Signer is required to sign/review after the signer(Before the Current Signer in the Routing Process) signs/reviews.
      • With Previous: Signer can sign along with the Previous Signer in the Routing Process
  • Edit: Allows to Edit Signer Details
  • Delete: Allows to Remove the Signer from the Routing Process
  • Move Up: Allows to move the Signer up by Order 1 in the Routing Process
  • Move Down: Allows to move the Signer down by Order 1 in the Routing Process

Signer Order After Previous are listed in different rows i.e. at different levels

Signer Order With Previous are listed in same row i.e. at same levels

All the Signers at the same Level marked mandatory or not, Alternate Signers if defined will receive the E-Sign waiting mail. At same Level, any of the Signer can Sign in any order

Once all the Signers at the same Level Signs, the next level Signers receive the E-Sign waiting mail


System Tables

Special System Tables

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