Electronic Signature

Routing Process


Routing Process refers to sending documents from one person to another for review, approval or reference. Routing paper documents through traditional inter-organizational mail invites delays and missed communications.  These traditional methods can also be unreliable and difficult to manage.

Electronic routing is “the automation of a business process, in whole or part, during which documents, information or tasks are passed from one participant, human or machine to another for action, according to a set of procedural rules.”  It can also be defined as a set of logical steps known as activities that are either executed by a human user or by a machine.  At each level of the routing process, the documents are signed electronically.

The Routing State reflects the life cycle of the documents. It refers to the state of the routing and not the state of the document. The final state “Approved” reflects both the state of the process as well as the state of the document.


In order to create new routing process, follow simple steps as below:

  • Select the Routing Process under Electronic Signature in Admin. Routing Process page is displayed
  • Click on Red plus ‘+‘ Icon to add the new Routing Process
  • Manage Process pop-up is displayed with the following fields
    • Process Name: Enter the name of the process in the Process Name field.
    • Process Description: Enter the description of the process in the Process Description field.
    • Process Duration (Days): Enter the duration of the entire process in the Process Duration (Days) field. Duration refers to the time measured from the start to the end of the routing process.
    • Include Logo on Cover Letter: Check the checkbox if you want to add a Company Logo on the cover letter and View PDFs generated. It becomes the default selection when we select this Routing Process
    • Distribution: These recipients receive emails when the process is either completed or when the process is rejected/Cancelled. The emails are sent from the BCC, this way each recipient is not aware of all the other recipients for privacy reason.
      • Lists: Display the distribution lists established in the Admin section. Users can choose one or multiple lists for selection
      • Emails: including external email addresses not registered with Orcanos that require notification
  • Press the Save to create the process

The Routing Process cannot be deleted. User can Active or Inactive the Routing Process by selecting/unselecting the checkbox


Click on Edit icon in the Action column opens the Manage Process pop-up with the pre-filled details.


Click on View icon in action column opens the details of the routing process, Distribution, Signers in the signer’s section and Chart

Click on Add Signer button to add new Signers into the Routing Process

Below the Signers section, users can see the Signers Transition Chart Flow also. It displays as per the signer’s listing order.

Routing Process without Signers will not be listed anywhere in the system

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