System Settings

System Settings


The System Settings allow users to configure various settings for the Orcanos application.

To access it, select System Settings from the Admin section under System Configuration.

It consists of the following sections:

Idle Time

Idle Time -When a user logs into the system but remains inactive for a specified duration, the system will automatically log them out. You can customize this duration by selecting your preferred time (in minutes) from the ‘Idle Time’ drop-down list

Maximum Login Retry-In this field, users can set the maximum number of invalid login attempts. If a user exceeds the defined limit, their account will be locked for a specified period.

User Locked Duration- In this field, users can set the user-locked duration.

Disconnection Timer for Lockdown Server

Not in use

  • Disabled Major. Minor in New Defect -By selecting this checkbox, users are restricted from entering the first two digits that represent the Major and Minor versions when creating a new defect
  • Max Item Name Length – Set the maximum character limit for defining the name of a work item.
  • Max Defect Synopsis Length – Set the maximum character limit for defining the synopsis or summary of a defect.
  • Force Checkout for edit – Users are required to perform a checkout action before editing an item. This locks the item, preventing simultaneous edits by other users. After making the necessary edits, users must release the checkout to finalize the changes.
  • Notify me on failed login attempts -Users receive a daily email at midnight that includes a comprehensive list of all failed login attempts. These notifications are sent to the designated Account Administrator. It is important to ensure that user settings are properly configured to receive these notifications effectively
  • Static Data Display on Freeze: When this checkbox is selected, work items will display static data in the description when the item is in a frozen status and has been signed (approved routing state).
  • Hide/Show Data Button State: When this checkbox is selected, work items will remember the last state of the button (Show Data/Hide Data) in the Description section.
User Password Settings

Password Aging(Days) –This functionality prompts users to update their passwords regularly.

Images Hyperlink

Use External IP For Images –The checkbox is selected and disabled by default, along with the additional fields (External IP and External Port for View) in this section, which is also disabled. The External IP and Port settings are used to replace the HTML link of the image, enabling accessibility from external sources. For cloud applications, these should be set to


Customer Language – Not in use


To operate in secure mode, please configure the following settings. Ensure that your server possesses a Domain name and SSL certificate.

The checkbox is selected and disabled by default and the Domain Name field is also disabled with the default value

DMS and Electronic Signature Settings
  • Convert Approved Documents to PDF: Activate this feature to automatically convert approved DOCX, XLSX, and PPTX files to PDF upon approval.
    • Date Formats: Select your preferred date format for display on the cover page and in the View PDFs section.
  • Include All Changes Within Revision Inside the Cover Letter: Enabling this checkbox automatically activates the “Show Change Number” option within the same section of the system settings. This ensures that all revision details, along with the change number, are displayed in the cover letter and View PDFs.
  • Display the Complete List of Approvals on Cover Letters (DMS Items Excluded): When this checkbox is enabled, the Approvals table will comprehensively showcase all revision signers’ details, including two additional columns: “Revision” and “Change#.”
  • Display Timestamp Alongside Date on Cover Letters: Enabling this checkbox allows the display of Date & Time (GMT) values in the Change Revision History table of work items across various interfaces, including Cover Letter, View PDF, E-Revision History, and Export Electronic Forms.
  • Show Path: Enabling this checkbox displays the item’s path below the Change Revision History table in the View PDFs.
  • Show File name on Cover letter: Enabling this checkbox displays the file name in the cover letter .
  • Display routing comment inside Cover letter: Enabling this checkbox displays the routing comments in the cover letter.
Test Management Settings 

Enable Upper/Lower Limit Management – If enabled, users can set upper and lower numeric limits in the add/edit test steps. This functionality allows users to input “Measure” values during test execution.

Authentication Method

Use Orcanos/Google methods.

Note: SAML/Office 365 is not in use.

Service Center User Defaults
  • Default License Type: Users can select any license type from the dropdown list of available default license types.
  • Default Group: Users have the option to choose any group from the dropdown list of default groups.
  • Default Project: The default project is set to the Service Center project, and this field is non-editable by default.
PDF Publish 

PDF Watermark Location: This feature enables users to position watermarks on published PDF documents at various locations, including the Top Left, Top Center, Top Right, Bottom Left, Bottom Center, and Bottom Right.

Training Management

The Launch Training on Pending Approve (ECO Items) feature allows users to initiate the training task for DMS items linked to the training record when their routing state is “Pending Approval.”

Version (Baseline)

The Version (Baseline) Level dropdown list offers two numeric values: 2 and 3. Selecting either value applies the chosen version to all existing projects and solutions.

Ask Paul – AI (Beta)

This Ask Paul-AI(Beta) allows the users to activate Ask Paul for work items based on Group Permissions

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