
Tree View Ordering


This option in Filters enables users to sort results in ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC) order based on the tree view structure and hierarchy levels.

For example, if test cases are organized in folders across three hierarchy levels within the product tree, applying the filter in ASC order will display level 1 items first, followed by level 2, and then level 3 items. In DESC order, level 3 items will display first, followed by level 2, and then level 1 items.


To create a Filter with tree view ordering, follow the simple steps

  • Create a Filter for a work item you require
  • Select the Specify criteria if any
  • Select Order by ASC/DESC with the TreeView Order option.
    • When sorting is set to Ascending, items will display from top to bottom in the tree view.
    • When sorting is set to Descending, items will display from bottom to top in the tree view.”
  • Save the Filter.
  • Embed the Filter in the Parent Work item node to list its child items in the product tree.


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