The History tab of work items logs all actions performed on the item.
The History tab includes the following information:
- ID: Key number of the item.
- Version: Current version of the item.
- Change#: Total number of modifications made to the item.
- Time of Change: Timestamp indicating when the change occurred.
- Changed By: Name of the user who modified.
- Change in Description: Details of any changes made to the item’s description.
- Comment: The type of action performed, recorded as a comment.
- View link: The history Tab lists the recent 50 changes done on the Work Item. To view more, click on the Next 50 hyperlink.
- Expand: To expand all the rows in the History tab to view all the changes done on the Fields, click on > Icon listed in the first column of the table header.
- Export History: The user can export history data in MS Excel or HTML Format.
- To Export History, click on More Actions (3 Dots Icon) listed on the Top right side. Select Export History > MS Excel or HTML option
For BOM/DMR/DHF Projects the history for sub level items change/update/delete beneath main item gets recorded in main BOM/DMR/DHF items.