

This SOAP Web service helps to add the defect in the pool (on the Work Item page).

Web Service URL:


Parameter Value Is Mandatory? Description
User_name String Yes Enter the valid username
User_Password String Yes Enter the valid password
Project_Name String Yes Enter the name of the project where you want to add defects
Major_Version Int Yes Enter Major version view number appears in Orcanos. Default is 1
Minor_Version Int Yes Enter Minor version view number appears in Orcanos. Default is 0
Parent_ID String No Input the parent item id where the defect will be created under. The default value will be the input project. Example: 10289, 10276, etc
Synopsis String Yes Enter the Defect synopsis
Description String Yes Enter the Defect description in plain text/HTML format
Defect_type String No Type of defect – “Internal”/”External”. Default is “Internal”

[External stands for defects reported by customers]

Assigned_to String No The user names the defect should be assigned to. The user must belong to the project.

Default is the default assigned user in the status workflow

Created_date String No The defect created date.

The format must be the date format of the local machine

Default is the current date & time

Created_by String No The name of the user-created the defect.

Default is the user that calls the service.

Category String No Enter the Defect category. Default is the category default value (Taken from admin system tables)
Severity String No Enter the Defect severity. Default is the severity default value (Taken from admin system tables)
Status String No  Enter the Defect status. Default is status default process flow value (Taken from admin system tables)
Priority String No Enter the Defect priority. Default is the priority default value (taken from admin system tables)
Found_version String No Enter the Defect found version. Format: 99.99.999.9999

Default is input version (major_version.minor_version.0.0)

Fixed_version String No Enter the Defect fixed version. Format: 99.99.999.9999

Default is input version (major_version.minor_version.0.0)

Target_version String No Enter the Defect target version. Format: 99.99.999.9999

Default is input version (major_version.minor_version.0.0)

Start_date String No Enter the defect start date. The format must be the date format of the local machine

Default is the current date & time

Effort_estimation String No Enter the Defect effort estimation. Default is 0
Due_date String No Enter the defect due date. The format must be the date format of the local machine Default is the Current date & time
Solution String No Enter the Defect resolution
Work_around String No Enter the Defect workaround
CS1_Name to CS60_Name String No Enter the Defect 1-60 custom field name
CS1_value to CS60_value String No Enter the Defect 1-60 custom field value
MigrationReference String No For each item inserted, you can add a reference string. Later on, you will be able to use this reference in reports, or in order to delete a group of items – you will be able to delete a group of items by the migration reference string
external_id String No If the defect source is from 3rd party system. You can add the ID from the 3rd party system for later use.


When invoke the Web Service, it will return results in the below format if details are correct:


When a defect is created successfully, the Object node’s Id attribute is the new defect’s id

For Example:

And, if details are wrong then, it will give an error message:
For Example:
<ErrorInfo>Email / User Name or password are missing</ErrorInfo> <ErrorTrace>QW_Add_Defect</ErrorTrace>
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