

This SOAP Web service helps to provide the all Risk Details for the related project.



Parameter Value Is Mandatory? Description
User_Name String Yes Enter the Username
User_Password String Yes Enter the Password
Project_Id Int Yes Enter the Project ID for which you want to get the Risk FMEA details

When invoke the Web Service, it will return results in the below format if details are correct:

<fmea>XML Data</fmea>

All details of risk items, fields everything will be displayed here.

For Example:

<val code="1" label="very high1"/>
<val code="2" label="very high2"/>
<val code="1" label="very low1"/>
<val code="2" label="very low2"/>
<management rpn="RESIDUAL" range="10" use_alarp="1" detectibility="1" Use_PHZ_PHM="0" failure_mode="1" constant_coloring="1" labellayout="0"/>
<res cs3="1" cs4="1" cs44="LEVEL_0" result="Low(T)" color="15390101"/>
<res cs11="10" cs12="5" cs45="LEVEL_2" result="RALAP(T)" color="8710651"/>
<res cs3="10" cs4="6" cs44="LEVEL_4" result="Very High(T)" color="8423167"/>
<res cs11="10" cs12="7" cs45="LEVEL_1" result="Acceptable(T)" color="13100697"/>
<res cs11="10" cs12="10" cs45="LEVEL_3" result="Unacceptable(T)" color="13285115"/>
<res rpn1="cs6" rpn2="cs14" range_0_to="11" range_1_from="11" range_1_to="24" range_2_from="25" range_2_to="94" range_3_from="95" range_3_to="100" range_4_from="101" range_0="LEVEL_0" range_0_display="Very Low(S)" range_1="LEVEL_1" range_1_display="Acceptability(S)" range_2="LEVEL_2" range_2_display="ALAP(S)" range_3="LEVEL_3" range_3_display="Unacceptability(S)" range_4="LEVEL_4" range_4_display="Very High(S)" range_0_tabular_display="Low(T)" range_1_tabular_display="Acceptable(T)" range_2_tabular_display="RALAP(T)" range_3_tabular_display="Unacceptable(T)" range_4_tabular_display="Very High(T)" range_0_color="15390101" range_1_color="13100697" range_2_color="8710651" range_3_color="13285115" range_4_color="8423167" same_severity="1"/>
And, if details are wrong then, it will give an error message:
For Example:
<ErrorInfo>Email / User Name or password are incorrect </ErrorInfo>
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