

This SOAP Web service helps to copy any work item from one to another across all projects except Execution Set.

Web Service URL:


Parameter Type Value
User_Name String Enter the Username
User_Password String Enter the user password
SourceItemId String Enter the item id which needs to be copied like, 45349
SourceItemType String Enter the item type (Original Code) which needs to be copied like, T_EXEC
SourceVersion String Enter the view version of the item which needs to be copied like, 1296 (Given in the URL)
TargetItemId String Enter the item id where the source item needs to be copied like, 2518
TargetItemType String Enter the item type (Original Code) where the source item needs to be copied like, PROJECT
TargetVersion String Enter the view version of the item where the source item needs to be copied like, 32 (Given in the URL)
IsDefaultStatus String Enter 1 to set the default status true
CopyAsLinkInd Int Enter 0 or 1 to copy as link items or not from copied item to newly pasted item.
RelationInd Int Enter 1 or 0 to copy the relation or not with from copied item to newly pasted item.
AttachmentInd Int Enter 1 or 0 to copy the attachment or not from copied item to newly pasted item.


When invoke the Web Service, it will return results in the below format if details are correct:

<item>XML Data</item>

When a work item is copied successfully, the Object node’s Id attribute is the new work-item=’s id

For Example:

<object id="45358" original_id="45358" obj_order="10004" obj_key="T_EXEC-45358" c_code="T_EXEC" parent_id="2520" parent_add_id="2520" isword="0" obj_name="exeser677" obj_type="T_EXEC" path="\2520\" major_ver="1" minor_ver="0" Release_ver="0" Build_ver="0" version_display="" locks="0" Freese="0" Version_id="34" Action_type="" IsSolution="0"> </object>
And, if details are wrong then, it will give an error message:
For Example:
<ErrorInfo>You can not copy work item(execution set) between projects. </ErrorInfo>

Note: You can not copy work item(execution set) between projects.

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