This Web service helps to get the steps of a test case (step order, description, expected results, the upper limit and lower limit, and some system data)
Note: To get the test case, use the QW_Get_Object_View web service
Web Service URL: https://xxxxx.orcanos.com/xxxxx/qpackserv/qpackserv.asmx?op=QW_Get_Step_List
Parameter | Value | Is Mandatory? | Description |
User_Name | String | Yes | Enter the valid username |
User_Password | String | Yes | Enter the valid password |
PageNo | Int | Yes | Enter page no. on which you want to get steps |
PageSize | Int | Yes | Enter the Page size that how many steps you want like 5,10,15,20,50,100 etc |
OrderBy | String | No | Enter the order by like ASC/DESC |
ItemId | String | Yes | Enter item id of test case like 7896 |
ItemType | String | Yes | Enter the item type of test case like T_CASE |
When invoke the Web Service, it will return results in the below format if details are correct:
All the steps of the test case will be displayed here
For Example:
<steps total_records="3" current_page="1" page_size="50"> <item ID="27086" step_no="1" created_date="29/09/21 12:10:44" created_by_name="Bansal.neha" updated_date="" updated_by_name="" upper_limit="" lower_limit=""> <description><p>Login on Screen</p> </description> <expected_res> </expected_res> </item> <item ID="27087" step_no="2" created_date="29/09/21 12:10:44" created_by_name="Bansal.neha" updated_date="" updated_by_name="" upper_limit="" lower_limit=""> <description><p>Click on Dashboard</p> </description> <expected_res> </expected_res> </item> <item ID="27088" step_no="3" created_date="29/09/21 12:10:44" created_by_name="Bansal.neha" updated_date="" updated_by_name="" upper_limit="" lower_limit=""> <description><p>Click on Product Tree</p> </description> <expected_res> </expected_res> </item> </steps>
And, if details are wrong then, it will give an error message:
For Example:
<ErrorInfo>Email / User Name or password are missing
</ErrorInfo> <ErrorTrace>QW_Get_Step_List</ErrorTrace>