A Grid (List View) is a grouping of records related to the same work item (such as defect, test case, software requirement…) based on a defined set of criteria. List Views are beneficial for displaying specific data according to your requirements.
For example, you may be interested in following-up new defects created during the last 24 hours, or review overdue developer tasks or you filter software requirements without traceability. The best way to handle these scenarios is to filter the records using the list views. These List Views are Dynamic, you can also use them for mass update records, such as change the Assigned to and status, and also export them to HTML, Excel, and even emails. You can also create list views and share them with colleagues in your organization. You can create, modify, and delete the custom filters and you can also sort the order of the columns in the list.
Here you can select the Filter from the available options in the drop-down list.
Users can Edit, Clone, Delete, Create, Share, Get Link of the Selected filter. For more details, refer to the Post: Create, Edit, Delete, Clone and Share filters/views
User can see the List of options under More Action
- Traceability Report
- Process Flow Chart
- Mass Update
- Move To Pool
- Move To View
- Convert Items
- Add Traceability
- Reset Suspicious Indication
- Multi Start Routing
- Multi Sign
- Multi Delete
- Email Current Page
- Export Current Page
- Export Entire Result Set
- Import
- Checkout Selected
- Release Checkout Selected
- Force Release Checkout Selected
- Relink Defect (Available only for Defect)
- Clone Defect (Available only for Defect)
- Add To Execution (Available only for Test Case)
- Special Reports
Action Icons should be displayed for each Item in the Work Item Grid such as
- Diff Icon: Lists the most recent change in Item Description
- Locate in Product Tree Icon: Opens the Item in the Product Tree
- View Icon: Opens the Item Details Page in View Mode with the Back Button Enabled
- Edit Icon: Opens the Item Details Page in Edit Mode
- Delete Icon: Deletes the Item and place them in Trash
- Freeze Icon: Appears when Item Status is freezed, user cannot Edit/Delete the Item
- Sign Document Icon: Appears when the Item is under Signing Process